Ascertain the level of potential for high-potentials and senior-level management.
When an internal announcement is made, announcing that management audits
will be taking place; fear, dissatisfaction, uncertainty, performance
pressure and even mobbing and moodiness, etc can arise during the
working day.
This leads to nervousness, stress, extreme caution, management failures, and other "working" disorders.
In the broader spectrum of the innumerable number of consulting firms
within the German personnel management sector you will find selective
consultants who are qualified to accomplish such audits.
A prerequisite for searching for such a partner is the fact that you
knew the chances and risks underlining such a measure and you knew of
the decision, stipulating an audit.
Usually a merger, take-over, streamlining, restructuring or other possible intentions have caused this.
Management Diagnostics can also be seen as the chance to evaluate the
development of the employees and recognize any still hidden talents
waiting to emerge and be utilised in the company. This is, of course, is
future orientated - but unfortunately, seldom put into practice.
Unfortunately, as soon as the personnel is informed of these new
measures and the actual implementation, many unnecessary mistakes, have
to be mastered. Usually, the company’s own gossipers ensure the quick
informing of all staff! This explains why sensitive and professional
help is required.
To avoid these pitfalls, you need to have a professional partner at
hand. HRsolution is an expert when it comes to Management Diagnostics.
Our success concept: a strategic/ tactical approach, step-by-step, the
moment the idea is born.