Recruiting & Applicant Management for apprentices
One of the most difficult decisions daily facing any company is choosing
a suitable applicant to fill a position. The wrong choice means higher
costs, additional leadership and a bad working climate. In addition,
it again means investing time and money in new advertising to find a
new employee and again demands in involvement of the Personnel
Today, it is not uncommon that interesting positions or apprenticeship
opportunities arouse the interests of hundreds of applicants. During
this process we will deal with all the resulting administrative work for
you, e.g. acknowledgement of receipt of application, invitations,
refusals, interview appointments…
But how can you choose the best possible candidate given the incredible number of applications received?
Which criteria are decisive when deciding?
Not only are the technical factors such as references, qualifications
and job description are important, but also the personal impression.
Based on our experience, we believe that 40% uncertainty remains with
every personnel decision. Minimize your risk when choosing personnel by
relying on our professional selection procedures and choose from the
"top applicants" we present to you.
You would like to find the best-possible candidate even quicker and in a
more structured manner: then manage this process together with
HRsolution: automated pre-selection and applicant questionnaires are
only some advantages which we can offer to you!
Your advantages:
- Receive automated - applications on-line and confirm immediately.
- Evaluate pre-selected applicants at your convenience.
- Efficiently conduct the whole process nice and comfortably.
- A one-stop-service -… we can even place the advertisements for you!
A one-stop-service!
Our exact knowledge of the job market and our wealth of know-how
experience in personnel search and recruitment means less work and
pressure for you.
We offer professional applicant management support while searching for
personnel, meaning you can productively invest your time in pending key
We have developed a diversified arrayed approach for Applicant Management:
- Place advertisements - if desired, your company remains anonymous
- Attract candidates by visiting different schools e.g. company presentation and presenting vacant positions at secondary schools, Technical Colleges, Commercial Colleges…
- Screen and pre-select applicants; check all information and references are at hand
- Process all applicant data
- Send acknowledgements of receipt of application, interview invitations or refusals
- Conduct the first interview
- Job-screening tests, created for the positions to be filled
- Assessment Centre, created for the position to be filled
- Psychological discussion
- Self-observation profile
- Compile short profiles
- Submission of concrete proposals for the position to be filled
- Make interview appointments
- Final choice support and advice
In detail:
Allow us to create your job advertisement to optimally attract
applicants. We naturally adhere to the specified prerequisites of your
Corporate Design and concentrate on that expected from the targeted
group of sought candidates.
We offer you an Online-Service consisting of a 6-week period in renowned
internet portals, e.g. www.hrsolution.de, www.stellen-online.de,
www.jobrobot.de, www.jobsafari.de, www.jobzentrale.de, www.jobagent.de,
www.jobwindow.com, www.medijob.de, www.arbeitsplaza.de,
www.opusforum.de, www.jobverbund.de, www.meinestadt.de, www.jorinfo.de,
www.jobmonitor.de, www.rekruter.de, www.stellenanbieter.de
We will expand our applicant search and directly approach all the
last-year classes in particularly relevant schools. We shall hold
information talks about your company and the positions to be filled and
directly approach the best applicants.
Allow us to deal with all the Applicant Management administration work.
This includes everything necessary, from sending acknowledgements of
receipt of application, interview invitations or refusals.
Let us perform job-screening tests followed up with a psychological talk
for you. The individual contents of each test differ according to the
position to be filled, enabling a perfect match. The following
psychological assessment together with the evaluation of the tests
reveals a "yes or no recommendation".
The Assessment Centre simulates the required prerequisites stipulated
for the position to be filled. The displayed behaviour is assessed and
evaluated if the candidate possesses the necessary prerequisites to
master the position. The aim of the Assessment Centre is above all, to
gain insight if the applicants have the personal (social)
qualifications and the applicants’ choice of occupational direction. As
partners, we can win a local education provider, which has the
necessary external know-how and logistics.
Self-appraisal questionnaires allow the recruitment team to compare
their assessment of the candidate to the candidate’s own impression of
him. Differences can be analyzed and clarified during the discussion.
“The battle for talent” - The fight for the best expert and high-level
personnel as well as the early recognition of talents define today
however an effective and efficient Applicant Management, and are
indispensable for the future!
When an internal announcement is made, announcing that management audits
will be taking place; fear, dissatisfaction, uncertainty, performance
pressure and even mobbing and moodiness, etc can arise during the
working day.
This leads to nervousness, stress, extreme caution, management failures, and other "working" disorders.
In the broader spectrum of the innumerable number of consulting firms
within the German personnel management sector you will find selective
consultants who are qualified to accomplish such audits.
A prerequisite for searching for such a partner is the fact that you
knew the chances and risks underlining such a measure and you knew of
the decision, stipulating an audit.
Usually a merger, take-over, streamlining, restructuring or other possible intentions have caused this.
Management Diagnostics can also be seen as the chance to evaluate the
development of the employees and recognize any still hidden talents
waiting to emerge and be utilised in the company. This is, of course, is
future orientated - but unfortunately, seldom put into practice.
Unfortunately, as soon as the personnel is informed of these new
measures and the actual implementation, many unnecessary mistakes, have
to be mastered. Usually, the company’s own gossipers ensure the quick
informing of all staff! This explains why sensitive and professional
help is required.
To avoid these pitfalls, you need to have a professional partner at
hand. HRsolution is an expert when it comes to Management Diagnostics.
Our success concept: a strategic/ tactical approach, step-by-step, the
moment the idea is born.